Saturday 20 May 2017

Update 07/04/2017


I'm aiming to put only genuine parts back on the car. So for me that's mostly going to be used parts or repairing what I can (or rare new genuine parts from eBay).

I'm finding when querying parts number and prices BMW don't seem to have much in stock in the UK of late and everything is on back order (not good really).

The Plan

This Saturday's plan is to remove the rad pack and intercooler along with the air con compressor and bracket. After this all 90% of the damaged parts will be removed (save for wings, windscreen and dash/airbags). 

I also wanted to fix the steering/suspension arms whilst I was at it and my good mate H was helping me.

That plan has mostly changed due to H having to go into work and Quarry Motors giving me a bit of the run around in regards to parts (QM are very good for parts, highly recommend, they also have this crazy 1M with a E90 M3 engine. In short, they didn't have all the bits i needed and the bits they did have won't arrive till Monday (£96.50 for OSF tension strut & wishbone delivered).

Still needed a NSF tie rod (and contemplating whether i also needed the tie rod end as it looks fine). Parts gateway was a bust and eBay keep showing me OEM quality parts which didn't look quite right. Eventually found brand new genuine complete tie rod and end for £55 delivered.


Also had to hunt to get a mobile air con technician to come and drain the air con system before i could remove the air con compressor. 
Lots of companies that never get back to you. 
In the end found a local guy who's  coming Saturday for £25.

I had alsofound 2 brand new replacement compressors, one in UK for £230 (no returns no warranty) and one in Canada for £210 (no returns no warranty with possibility of customs charges) with 6 - 12 week delivery.

Alternative is to have my compressor re-manufactured at Compressortech for £270 but that comes with 12 months warranty.

Still thinking on the most cost effective vs peace of mind solution (remember I'm keeping the car).

So that's where i am currently. This project will be more an exercise in managing parts costs as much as anything. But as I'm not rushing should be OK. 

After steering is sorted will just need to get the bonnet and wings before i can take to bodyshop for jig work.

BONUS: This is the Arthur Tussik video i was referring to earlier -

Expecting a similar process.

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