Tuesday 16 May 2017

Help Me Out

So if you've reading this and have visited before you may have noticed that on the right  (or bottom in mobile view) hand side of your screen is a GoFundMe link.

Allow me to explain.....

I debated very hard about putting this up there and am not actively promoting this anywhere else but on the blog. It is basically there as a way for you and others who read and enjoy this blog and this project to contribute.

As you can imagine fixing a car isn't cheap. And yes, I was fully aware of this prior to buying the car. But what it's come down to is Time vs. Money.

I could go and spend the money I don't have today and fix the car and be broke for a long time paying it back (and possibly compromise my financial responsibilities). Or spend very little and take years to finish. I'd like a middle ground solution.

I set myself a target for end of September to finish the bulk of it. Mainly because I'd be less likely to want to work on it in the colder months.

In reality, life gets in the way and you have set backs. Just because I decided to do this doesn't mean my responsibilities take a back seat (new fridge, children's birthday party, home maintenance to name a few).

So if you feel like you would like to donate towards this project, great!. I really appreciate it (Let me know why you donated also). Your donation could also be something else like parts, tools or time helping me, that would be awesome too.

If you don't wish to donate that's great also. We can still be friends right? Please comment and interact with the blog.


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