Friday 9 June 2017

The Methodology

So I got asked why I'm bothering with all this on babybmw  and it was suggested I sell the car and buy a non crashed example.

Here was my response:

Remember it's a process.
  1. strip it down and assess what's damaged
  2. decide on a plan of attack- what can be repaired vs what has to be replaced - sometimes cheaper to replace​
  3. set out the job in order - project management
  4. list/get all the parts
  5. get cracking
I could have easily got a non-salvage car (would have ultimately cost me more for options i wanted and could have end up compromising again), but there's no learning in that for me.

Doing it this way, I'm 100% on what's been repaired and to my high standard (buying used is just as much a risk as there could be undisclosed faults, damage etc), plus I get to know a lot about the car in the process. Which I end up sharing on here.

Sometimes it's not about the race but about the journey

The car will go to be inspected after the work is completed (and before my family ever get in) and recategorised to condition inspected on HPI if meets the repair standards. You can find out more about this process at link below

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